BetterLife Pharma is an emerging biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing patient-friendly compounds to treat neuro-psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Fulfilling our responsibility for healthy and sound minds
Our Aim
Bring the most amount of good to the greatest number of people by delivering medicines to the market in most efficient and effective way.
Our Foundation
Optimize a science, and evidence driven approach to develop solutions for the variety of unmet mental and behavioural needs.
Our Construct
Harness ongoing care, dedication, and commitment to cultivate synergy in delivering access, choices, and opportunities for a better life.
Burdens call for alternatives in the landscape of options ….
Societal strains, alarming & intensifying, ring for alternatives

Are struggling with increased occurrences of mental health issues

Are challenged to keep pace with more demands for better solutions

Are strained, at length, from pressures due to increasing number of conditions

Are logging higher health care costs from rising mental health problems
Covid Mental Strain
Adult with Depression
Mental Health Spending
BetterLife Pharma’s lead product, 2-Bromo-LSD (BETR-001), is a second-generation lysergic acid diethylamide (“LSD”) derivative molecule that mimics the projected therapeutic properties of LSD without causing its undesirable side effects such as hallucinations. As a non-psychedelic, BETR-001 has the potential benefits without the hallucination related use restrictions and regulatory hurdles imposed on psychedelics.
Time-to-market solutions lean on key considerations
CSA Schedule 1 Drug | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Multiple Formal Human Studies | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Hallucinogenic Effects | No | Yes | Yes | Low/No |
USDOJ List 1 Precursors | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
UN Convention Illicit Drug | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Patient Self-Administered | Yes | No | No | No |
Regulatory Hurdle(s) | Low | High | High | High |
BETR-001 is a potential new therapy to treat debilitating psychiatric disorders with high unmet need, such as treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder; as well as severe neurological disorders such as cluster headaches. This compound represents a promising alternative to existing treatments but also compares favorably to other upcoming solutions.

BetterLife Pharma Inc. (BETR:CNX)
BetterLife Pharma Inc – Ordinary Shares (BETRF)
Latest News
- https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00175-z
- https://mhanational.org/sites/default/files/2021%20State%20of%20Mental%20Health%20in%20America_0.pdf
- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-mental-health-care-in-america-is-so-shoddy-183448311.html